Śrī Sūkta, also called Śrī Sūktam, is a Sanskrit devotional hymn (set of shlokas / Śloka-s) revering Śrī as Lakṣmī, the Hindu goddess of wealth, prosperity and fertility. Śrī Sūkta is recited, with a strict adherence to the Chandas, to invoke the goddess' blessings. The hymns are found in the Rig Vedic khilanis, which are appendices to the Ṛigveda that probably date to pre-Buddhist times.[1]
The Śrī Sūktam assumes specific significance because of Śrī Mahālakṣmī's presence on Lord Śrī Venkaṭeśvara, at Tirumala, or Viṣṇu's chest, at the Heart. Lakṣmi is the embodiment of Love, from which devotion to God or Bhakti flows. It is through Love/Bhakti or Lakṣmī that the Ātmā or soul is able to reach God or Viṣṇu.
This app has three tracks.
Track -1 Sri suktam.
Track -2 Lakshmi Beeja Mantra
Track 3 Om Jai lakshmi mata
Śrī or Lakṣmī is also the personification of the spiritual energy within us and universe called kuṇḍalinī. Also, She embodies the Spiritual World or Vaikuṇtha; the abode of Lakṣmī-Nārāyaṇa or Viṣṇu, not to be confused with Heaven, as The Heavenly Planets are still part of the Material Universe. Vaikuṇtha-Dham is purely spiritual, eternal and self illuminating. She is also supposed to have the Divine qualities of God and the soul. Lakshmi is God's superior spiritual feminine energy or the Param Prākṛti, which purifies, empowers and uplifts the individual. Hence, She is called the Goddess of Fortune.
Sri Sukta, juga disebut SRI Suktam, adalah sebuah himne renungan Sansekerta (set seloka-seloka / sloka-s) memuja Sri Laksmi sebagai, dewi Hindu kekayaan, kemakmuran dan kesuburan. Sri Sukta dibacakan, dengan ketaatan pada Chandas, untuk memohon berkah dewi '. Himne ditemukan di khilanis Vedic Rig, yang lampiran Rgveda yang mungkin tanggal kali pra-Buddha. [1]
Sri Suktam mengasumsikan signifikansi tertentu karena kehadiran Sri Mahālakṣmī pada Tuhan Sri Venkaṭeśvara, di Tirumala, atau dada Visnu, pada Hati. Laksmi adalah perwujudan dari Cinta, dari mana pengabdian kepada Tuhan atau Bhakti mengalir. Melalui Cinta / Bhakti atau Laksmi bahwa atma atau jiwa mampu mencapai Tuhan atau Visnu.
Aplikasi ini memiliki tiga trek.
Track -1 Suktam Sri.
Track -2 Lakshmi Beeja Mantra
Track 3 Om Jai lakshmi mata
SRI atau Laksmi juga personifikasi dari energi spiritual dalam diri kita dan alam semesta yang disebut kundalini. Juga, Dia mewujudkan Dunia Spiritual atau Vaikuntha; tempat tinggal Laksmi-Narayana atau Visnu, tidak menjadi bingung dengan Surga, sebagai The Planet Surgawi masih bagian dari alam semesta Material. Vaikuntha-Dham adalah murni spiritual, abadi dan diri mencerahkan. Dia juga seharusnya memiliki kualitas Ilahi Allah dan jiwa. Lakshmi adalah energi spiritual yang unggul Allah feminin atau Param Prakrti, yang memurnikan, memberdayakan dan menggetarkan hati individu. Oleh karena itu, Dia disebut Dewi Fortune.
Śrī Sūkta, also called Śrī Sūktam, is a Sanskrit devotional hymn (set of shlokas / Śloka-s) revering Śrī as Lakṣmī, the Hindu goddess of wealth, prosperity and fertility. Śrī Sūkta is recited, with a strict adherence to the Chandas, to invoke the goddess' blessings. The hymns are found in the Rig Vedic khilanis, which are appendices to the Ṛigveda that probably date to pre-Buddhist times.[1]
The Śrī Sūktam assumes specific significance because of Śrī Mahālakṣmī's presence on Lord Śrī Venkaṭeśvara, at Tirumala, or Viṣṇu's chest, at the Heart. Lakṣmi is the embodiment of Love, from which devotion to God or Bhakti flows. It is through Love/Bhakti or Lakṣmī that the Ātmā or soul is able to reach God or Viṣṇu.
This app has three tracks.
Track -1 Sri suktam.
Track -2 Lakshmi Beeja Mantra
Track 3 Om Jai lakshmi mata
Śrī or Lakṣmī is also the personification of the spiritual energy within us and universe called kuṇḍalinī. Also, She embodies the Spiritual World or Vaikuṇtha; the abode of Lakṣmī-Nārāyaṇa or Viṣṇu, not to be confused with Heaven, as The Heavenly Planets are still part of the Material Universe. Vaikuṇtha-Dham is purely spiritual, eternal and self illuminating. She is also supposed to have the Divine qualities of God and the soul. Lakshmi is God's superior spiritual feminine energy or the Param Prākṛti, which purifies, empowers and uplifts the individual. Hence, She is called the Goddess of Fortune.